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Shining light into darkness, 

one child at a time.

My Place Childrens Homes

MY PLACE believes that all children have the right to live in a safe and nurturing environment where they have every opportunity to grow “…in wisdom and stature, and in favour with God and man.” (Luke 2:52)  We are dedicated to transforming the lives of the most disadvantaged and at-risk children in various parts of Asia by a variety of initiatives which ensure that such children will

  • gain access to education and be encouraged to excel in it;

  • receive optimal physical and health care;

  • be encouraged and guided in their spiritual growth; and

  • experience healthy emotional and social growth

"MY PLACE" ...because every child needs a place to call home.

Your donation goes a long way at My Place as we are volunteer-run.  From inception to date, our adminstrative expenses is running at less than 1% of donation.


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Help us keep our costs down by volunteering your time and expertise. Our growth depends on your support.


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