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EM Home

This is a home for 12 boys and girls aged between 8 and 16, all being in very difficult life circumstances when they first arrived from their various home states. Now under stable care, most of them are working hard as senior secondary students, spurred by their aspirations to having a successful career in future, including becoming a doctor, nurse, businessman, singer, pastor…and even the president! The house, which is a church on Sundays but has been near collapse and is soon to be given a new lease in life, is often filled with their loud and passionate singing and prayers.     

JH Home

One can no longer tell from the sweet smiles on the faces of the 13 children aged between 6 and 15 at JH Home the trauma some of them have experienced. You can’t tell from the faces of the orphan brothers found scavenging on the streets to survive at the ages of 5 and 7. You certainly can’t tell from the faces of the children who had been driven out of their village due to religious persecution. And you can’t tell from the faces of the children who had lost their families in regional conflicts until you ask them what they want to become and they say, ‘Soldier!’ or ‘General!’ Situated within the compound of a theological college, JH Home is a place where healing takes place on a daily basis.

HF Home

The nine girls living in this home, aged between 5 and 14, always impress visitors with their laughter and tremendous energy during games. They are doing reasonably well at school after effortful catching up from very poor foundation since they arrived just over two year ago. The girls are good at helping each other, with the older ones delighting in looking after the younger ones. This is in stark contrast to their often miserable look and mood when they were sent to this home, a reflection of prior experiences of instability, ill treatment, and even trauma. 

NL Home

Amongst the 12 children aged between 9 and 18 in this home, many are orphans who have lost both parents. So, a recent loss of a member in the host family has hit everyone pretty hard. However, the loss has not taken the host family’s focus away from the children and they continue to provide great care to their charges who, under their nurture, are continuing to excel in their studies, recreational pursuits and spiritual growth.

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